I've got about 50% of the supplies for the coop. I'm really excited to start the building project. I found some used cedar planks on Craigslist for the siding and thanks to some friendly folks from Facebook I got all the plywood I'll need for free! Even better quality than I was planning on getting too. I'd love to do the majority of the coop out of recycled materials. Doesn't hurt the bank account nearly as badly either so the hunt for more upcycled materials continues. I think all I really need now are about 4 4x4 posts, 2x4's for the framing, and some screening for the run area. We'll see how much I'm able to scrounge up.
In other news, I've finally landed on my chicken breeds. I've added some pictures just for fun.
2 Wyandottes- These hens lay on average 4 large brown eggs a week. They'll top out at about 7-8 lbs and are supposed to be pretty easygoing.
Silver Laced Wyandotte |
Gold Laced Wyandotte |
Welsummer- I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to find this one. I haven't seen it any of the local farm supply stores, but I'm hoping to hunt one down at the animal swap next month. They lay on average 4 dark brown eggs a week, are 6-7 lbs, and supposed to be pretty friendly.
Welsummer Pullet |
Easter Eggers- I'm getting at least 2 Easter Egg Chickens. You never really know what you'll get with these gals as they are simply defined as chickens with the blue egg gene but don't fit into any specific breed. They generally lay 3-4 blue or green eggs a week. Hoping to luck out and get both a blue layer and a green layer.
White Easter Egg Hen |
Cochin- This one is just for fun. They are super cute and super friendly, but only lay about 3 eggs a week, which will be the least productive girl of the group. That's ok, cause she'll have style. I just love how fluffy they are!
Blue Cochin Hen |
And though I'm not currently planning on a rooster, if I ever do get one, I'm getting a Phoenix. Another rooster simply will not do. He will be named Hanz.
Silver Duckwing Phoenix Bantam |
I still really would like a Sultan as well, but apparently those are pretty difficult to find. We'll keep our fingers crossed for King Cluck.
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