Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Filler, but Fun.

So, I've been a total slacker about taking photos of the new place to update the blog. Honestly, we haven't had nearly as much time to work on it as we'd like. We're done painting the main living areas and our bedroom. Started painting our bathroom and the color I had picked that was called "Smoke" ended up looking like pink sand, so we promptly stopped. I'm still hunting down that perfect color...

In the meantime, we finally got the boards for our floors. Menards was having a really good sale on 1/4" Birch veneer plywood so we took full advantage and ordered a bunk. We then had the boards ripped into 1" x 8" planks which we are planning on laying down like a normal hardwoord floor. We're going to glue & nail each board, fill in any large cracks, stain the floors a nice black/brown, poly over them, and call it a day.
Easy right? Here is a quick picture of the floors. I promise to take plenty of photos tonight so you can get an idea of how things are looking.