Thursday, July 18, 2013

Pinterest Destroys my Soul

The more I'm on Pinterest and the more I find cool blogs... the more I wish I was those people. Not that I actually want to be them, well maybe in a few cases, which is kind of creepy I know, but more I wish I was that cool, crafty, creative, DIY girl. You know, the one with the super creative blog that always has cool tips and tricks and new things to try out. That one that actually updates her blog... yeah, that girl.

How do people find time for it? I don't have time to be creative, let alone clean up the mess that inevitably occurs when I try to be creative. I console myself by firmly believing that I require way more sleep that these "creative types" that I am so envious of. They are like the "super moms" on Pinterest that make... well, everything.  They are the mom's that are without a doubt going to make me feel inadequate as a mother if we ever have children. Then I think, "you have kids.... how on earth do you have time for this!". Which I then revert back to my mantra.... they don't sleep.


Regardless, I wish that was me. God kind of left out the creative gene when he made me. However, I am great at copying other people. ;) That's gotta be good for something. Right?

Maybe someday I'll attain this level of awesome, until then, I'll just check my Pinterest and feel even worst about my abilities. ;)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Roosters.... who knew they were so cool. I didn't. Whoever, this guy has stolen my heart. Originally Caroline, Carl sneaked his way into the coop. We weren't planning on having, or keeping, a rooster, but I could never part with him now.

As much as I love eggs, I may love this kid more. He's the first to come running, will sit in your arms, and is a stud. He's about 3 months old now and is just starting to get his saddle feathers. Can't wait till he's a full fledged Roo.