Monday, April 7, 2014

Spring Chickens

So, on a sad note, we had a hen go broody and she hatched her first chick yesterday. Sadly she also crushed the poor little dear. To say it ruined my morning to find the little thing is an understatement. She is still sitting on some eggs, but I have a feeling that they are all duds. We'll give here a few more days before I take them. Lesson learned though. If we ever have another hen go broody I have a much better plan on how to deal with it. Hindsight and all that...

On a happy note I've secured our 4 new additions for the year. I'm not planning on adding to the flock after these 4. We'll have 12 hens and a roo + the guineas which I think is just about perfect.

Our first new addition will be a Tolbunt Polish. Yes, I'm totally just getting this hen because it might be one of the funniest birds I've ever seen in my life! You can't look at this hen and not smile. Plus, they are super cute as chicks too.
Top hat baby!!!!

Next up on the newcomer list is a blue Cochin. Cochin's are supposed to have one of the best and sweetest personalities. They are also well known for going broody and being great mothers, which could be fun down the road. (My hearts not quite ready for more dead chicks at the moment.) Plus, they have pants. I feel like this one is going to need a good grandmotherly name.

Next up is a Maran. Not sure what color I'll be getting. The come in black copper, cuckoo, wheaten, and a few other colors. The cool thing about these guys is their eggs. They are supposed to lay dark chocolate brown eggs. Since I'm not buying from a hatchery I'm really hoping that they will lay true.
Last, but not least, is the Cream Crested Legbar. This breed is a fairly newer breed and not very common but they seem to be gaining popularity. They lay large blue eggs. 

Also, picking up my camera charger tonight. I went to take pictures of the house for an update and the camera is completely dead! Should have something for y'all in the next few days.