Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Photo update... Long overdue

 After beating my head against the wall on what color to do our bathroom in I finally gave it over the Brad to decide. He went quite a bit darker than I would have gone, but it's all painted now and I absolutely love the color.

 Prepping the floors to make sure there weren't any screws or large bumps to cause problems.

 My beautiful cabinet doors. One more coat of paint and they're ready to put back on the cabinets, which shiny new hardware of course.

 Our first plank down! It was a very intense moment for us.

 The rest is pretty self explanatory. Floors, floors, and more floors. Hopefully by the end of this weekend I'll have some pictures of what it looks like stained. Here's keeping our fingers crossed.

Monday, February 25, 2013

I Am a Blogging Liar

I promised photos, like forever ago. I'm a liar as well as a terrible blogger. Such is life.

Status of things....

Floors are coming a long nicely. We probably have over 1/3 of the house done. Here are a few pictures to tide you over. They are taken from my phone so I apologize for the quality. When we are completely done with the floors I may post a tutorial on how we did them. 

I'm really thrilled with how they look so far. Actually, I'm pretty thrilled with how the entire house looks so far. We are staining the floors with Minwax Ebony (pictured below) and then most likely going to seal them with a product called Bona Mega Clear HD.

We bought all new appliances the other week also. The idea of having the washer I've always dreamed of has really motivated me to get all of this stuff done. The walls are painted, the ceilings are done, the kitchen cabinets are 85% complete, and the floors are well on their way. I really will try to get some comprehensive house photos up soon. I was looking at some of the first house photos and I can't believe how different things look. Also, power tools are super fun.