Monday, April 22, 2013

Slowing Down Again

It feels like every time we knock out a major achievement with the house things go back to a crawl. Why do the details take forever!?

Brad has been working on getting the baseboards put up and I've been painting the kitchen counter tops. We were initially going to go with a dark gray, but after one coat we both agreed that they needed to be darker, so back to the paint store for samples. Back to the house with said samples. Back to the paint store for paint in color of chosen sample. Back to the house to paint chosen color on counter tops. We ended up painting them black. Black Beauty if you want to be technical. I like the darker color much better. I finished up the 4th or 5th coat of poly on Saturday. Not so sure about this whole painting the counter tops thing now. Getting the poly to go on even has been a mess of trial and error. Everything I read said to use a brush, but that didn't go so well for me. I've ended up using a mohair roller and if I don't let it "roll" it seems to be going on a lot more even. I wouldn't be surprised if down the road we end up just pulling them out and putting in something from Ikea. We'll see how these hold up. At the end of the day, if it doesn't work, we'll only down about $100 + all my pain and suffering. I'm toying with being done with them at this point, or whether I should do a few more coats of poly. We'll see how motivated I feel.

Terrible photo of the final color for the counter tops just for fun.

Brad has the baseboards done all of the rooms that have flooring now. It's strange to start seeing everything come together. I've gotten all the nail holes filled so all that is left to do for baseboards is paint and caulk.

Yesterday my man also installed a new water heater (don't ask), water softener (again, don't ask), and whole house filtration system. This is definitely not what we were expecting do to, but on the bright side, everything is shiny and new now. And the down side, looks like we're going to be living off of rice and beans for the month. ;) Brad tore out the funny little tiny closet that the water heater sat in, so now the mud room/utility room is wide open. It looks so much bigger and brighter now.

So, what are the next steps you ask.... or at least that's what I ask myself every day. Well, we need to finish up the paint on the cabinet faces and put those back on the cabinets, put up the back splash behind the stove, install all of the appliances, install the kitchen sink, and sweet heavens I think we can move!

Wow, did I really just type that? I don't know what I'll do with my life after all these major remodels are done...

Also, I know I have posted photos in a while, so I'll get to that this week. And.... Friday is going to be a very special day, so stay tuned!

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